CFUW Surrey/White Rock Bursary Awards Announcement for 2024/25
The Bursary Foundation of the Canadian Federation of University Women White Rock/Surrey is taking applications for three bursaries of approximately $3,000 for the 2024-2025 school year.
The awarding of the bursaries is for local women (Surrey, White Rock, Langley) in financial need to further their post secondary education. Bursaries are open to any post secondary education including trades training, diploma programs, and university/college degrees. Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
The deadline for the application is May 30, 2025. Please click on the button for an application form.
The 2024 Bursary Recipients
Christine Kinnie received the Mary Fran Bateman Bursary of $4000. She is currently
enrolled as a mature student at Kwantlen Polytechnic University where she is laying the
foundations for her future pursuit of a law degree. Her passion for human rights fuels
her commitment to justice and equality for all, particularly within the legal system.
Gracie Rowlands received the 1988 Executive Bursary of $3,000. She is in her
third year as a major in biology at the University of British Columbia. Her future plans
are to enter medicine (medical school?) at the University of British Columbia and to
become a pediatrician.
Prachi Khanna received the CFUW Bursary of $3,000. She is a graduate student at
the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine where she is working towards a
Master of Science in epidemiology. Prachi completed her undergraduate studies (BSc in
Biology) and professional certification in Infection Prevention & Control at the University
of British Columbia.
Bursary Foundation Address:
CFUW Surrey/White Rock Bursary Foundation
Box 75039 RPO
Surrey, BC, V4A 0B1
Donations can be made by
E-transfer to: or
By cheque to Surrey/White Rock Bursary Foundation and mailed to our PO Box